About Me

I have been a teacher of fitness and health for thirty years. In 1989 I was certified for personal training with the National Acadamy of Sports Medicine. I had a gym in Santa Barbara for eight years. Co-owned and created a spinning bike company which manufactured bikes for five years. Also I have worked with nutrition companies for twenty years. Along with many wonderful non famous people I have trained many celebrities, and members of the Royal Family. My own athletic past consists of long distance running, long distance cycling, cross country skiing, down hill skiing, rollerblading, hiking, sand running, track work, and weight training. I have authored two fitness columns in local papers, and have been writing this blog since January 2010.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Feeding Our Bodies and Mind Healthy Nutrition

Feeding Ourselves Healthy Nutrition
For Body and Mind

It is important to feed our bodies with healthy nutrition to attain a healthier body.  Most of us know that, but most do not do that.  Our country has over 73% of its population overweight and obese.  We are the most over fed but undernourished country in the world.  That is a horrific statistic given the fact that we used to be leading the way in most categories such as health, education, longevity and mortality. 

Our health demise began with the onslaught of “processed foods”.  In the beginning in the early 1900’s processed food did not have the same chemicals, pesticides and artificial ingredients as it does now.  Companies that create these processed foods have found more chemicals that lead to a longer and longer shelf life.  There concern is keeping the food from spoiling which adds to their bottom line…the almighty dollar.  That my friends is what drives the food industry and certainly not your health.

The simplest way to tell you how to eat the healthiest is this; eat mostly nature’s foods that are not processed and come from its original source such as the plant that grows in the ground.  Hopefully not grown with toxic pesticides and chemicals or choosing what we know of as “Organic”.  Animal protein should also be raised in a non toxic environment for the optimal health benefit. 

Most Americans eat from a food source that is at least 70% processed.  Try turning this around to eating from 70% unprocessed and you will see a difference in you health because of it.

If you want to argue that it is difficult to eat without choosing processed foods, then you are one of those who are “arguing for your limitations” and you certainly have the right to keep eating in an unhealthy manner.  I have no attachment to people eating poorly and becoming unhealthily, but I do understand why there are so many Americans that are fat and sick and processed foods are a part of that reason.

We also need to feed our minds healthy nutrition.  This has to do with what we are focusing our attention on.  Are we watching negative or violent television?  Are we playing violent or negative gaming?  Are we focused on gossip or addicted to the news?  These are all things that feed our minds and from my perspective are the same as processed food.  They are full of toxic information with no positive content to give you a healthy mind.  They don’t leave you feeling positive when you are done watching or reading them.  If you are honest about it, they most likely leave you feeling disturbed or anxious or simply feeling lousy.  

If we want to feel good mentally we need to focus on what that is that makes us feel good.  If we want to feel good of body we need to feed it healthy foods.  Feeling good of body and mind is usually what we want.  Feeding ourselves unhealthy food and unhealthy mind stimulation is not the answer.

Assess what it is you have been feeding your body and mind and see if you are on the right track.  Most of us have a mixed bag when it comes to these things.  Some of it is good, and some of it is bad.  Try and get the good to outweigh the bad and you will begin to feel better both physically and mentally.

Take charge of your life and create a healthier experience of body and mind!
Have a blessed day!

Understanding Metaphysics

What is Metaphysics?

I have been a student of Metaphysics for nearly 30 years.  It is a study and philosophy that has been around for centuries, but faded from the main stream of consciousness. It is my belief that those who were in a position to control certain groups of population did not like that it gave individuals power to create the life they wanted by choosing their thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  Therefore it was removed from many group teachings, particularly those teachings that use fear and guilt as a way of keeping people under their control.

The first known book written about metaphysics was written by Aristotle in 350 B.C.

The definition of Metaphysics as referenced by the dictionary goes as follows;
Metaphysics is a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being.  It is the relationship between mind and matter and what is beyond the physical world.

This is telling us that there is a power in us beyond the five senses that we can resource in a conscious way to create our lives in a manner that we want.  It is not connected to any religion, cult, or what some people refer to as a “Woo Woo” kind of thing.  It is simply this; "a philosophy that we create our world from our thoughts, beliefs and actions. If those are sourced from worry, fear or any other negative type thinking, you will create your reality from that."

 How can we create a positive outcome from a negative source?  If you ask anyone in your life that has a successful and happy existence, I promise you they will not say it came from limited or negative thinking.

We all have over 60,000 thoughts going through our minds every day.  Most of us are not consciously choosing those thoughts, but rather allowing our minds to ramble on unconsciously day after day.  Most of us have a running diatribe of thoughts that are the same everyday such as, “I can’t do that”, “I am ugly”, I am never going to be successful at that”, “If it weren’t for my abusive childhood I would be more successful” and thousands more of the same ilk. 

The first step to changing your thoughts to being more positive and creating from that place, is to be aware of what you are thinking in each and every moment.  My students are usually shocked at how much of their day is spent in negative thinking not only about themselves, but about anything and everything around them.  Such as, “I am so exhausted.”, “I hate this traffic.”, “Look at how stupid that person looks.”, and on and on.

Metaphysics gives you the tools to change this way of thinking around.  It takes effort and practice, but it will change your life for the better like nothing else can.  Remember that you have given the “negative” thinking in your life a lot of effort and practice; you have just gotten really good at it so it no longer seems difficult. 

Once you begin to change those limiting thoughts and beliefs to more positive ones you will feel so much better and will watch your world change around you in an amazing way.

It is an exciting journey to take and I hope you will for the sake of your own happiness and fulfillment.  I will be sharing more about how we can keep on track with thinking and believing in a positive manner.  You can create the life you want when you are focusing on all things positive.  Have a blessed day!