About Me

I have been a teacher of fitness and health for thirty years. In 1989 I was certified for personal training with the National Acadamy of Sports Medicine. I had a gym in Santa Barbara for eight years. Co-owned and created a spinning bike company which manufactured bikes for five years. Also I have worked with nutrition companies for twenty years. Along with many wonderful non famous people I have trained many celebrities, and members of the Royal Family. My own athletic past consists of long distance running, long distance cycling, cross country skiing, down hill skiing, rollerblading, hiking, sand running, track work, and weight training. I have authored two fitness columns in local papers, and have been writing this blog since January 2010.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Reflecting On Age

Age is an interesting thing, particularly in the United States.  This country does not revere its elder population.  In fact, Americans are obsessed with youth and all that that implies.  The media is responsible for much of how we as Americans focus on the young.

We have ads and commercials selling skin cream for aging skin where the models are 18 years old.  We have air brushing on models that are already thin and attractive, but they need to look more "perfect".

If you have a career in the public eye, you will be judged by your aging skin and body especially if you are a female.  Men get away with getting older and out of shape most likely because men are the ones doing the judging in these business's involved in the public eye.  It is definitely a double standard in Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

What has happened is that we have bought this idea that we are not as vital or interesting as we age.  I beg to differ with this.  As you get older and reflect on who you were when you were younger, you come to realize that who you are now has so much more wisdom, experience and understanding of life than you did when you were young.  There is a saying that I heard when I was much younger, "Youth is wasted on the young".  I did not get it when I was younger, but I get it now!

What we need to understand is that aside from our bodies aging, our spirit or our soul that reside in our body is not old.  It is more experienced and aware.  Now having said that I want to also add that not all of us are more aware.  I know many older people that have not "grown" up in wisdom or awareness.  Many people like this are obsessed with holding on to their youth and refuse to accept that they are aging.  It is a process that we can not stop, even with plastic surgery. 

We all age differently depending on our genetics and lifestyle, which includes diet, exercise, stress levels and our environment.  However it is our thoughts and beliefs that really play the biggest role in how we view our aging process.  If you think you are old and believe that it is a negative, you will have that experience.  There are 60 year old's that are not able to stand on one leg because they have not practiced balance or kept a healthy level of fitness.  Then there are 90 year old's that are running in marathons.  It is all in the mind once again.

In 2015 the Census Bureau reported that there are 47.8 million of Americans over the age of 65.  It is estimated that in the year 2060 that number will rise to 98.2 million.  That will be one in four Americans over the age of 65.  That is a huge chunk of the population that would be considered "old" and "useless" if things continue as they are now.

I would like to suggest that we not listen to the media or society's view point in this matter.  I suggest that we decide that we are as vital and worthy of an exciting life at any age.  65 year old's no longer automatically retire unless they want to.   Instead they are starting new careers and new lives and new interests.  I recently saw a video of an 90 year old woman still doing gymnastics.  I read an article on a 100 year old man who wanted to start running and competing in races.  These are people who are not believing that their age is an obstacle.  They are doing what they want without any thought to their "age".

So I would say to you that your age is just a number unless you believe the "crap" fed to us by the media and social media.  Take your age out of the equation when you are thinking about your life course.  It is just another limiting belief to stop you from doing things you would really like to experience.

Now some of you would argue that there are things that can't be done because of age.  Yes I do know of some things that might be totally dependent on youth.  It might be a challenge to be a 90 year old swim suit model.  Probably won't happen, but you never know who will come along and change that.  What 50 looks like today is not what 50 looked like 100 years ago.

Age is what happens everyday that we are alive and breathing.  It is not a barometer of limiting how we live our lives.  That is up to us.  Live your life the way you want no matter your age.


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