About Me

I have been a teacher of fitness and health for thirty years. In 1989 I was certified for personal training with the National Acadamy of Sports Medicine. I had a gym in Santa Barbara for eight years. Co-owned and created a spinning bike company which manufactured bikes for five years. Also I have worked with nutrition companies for twenty years. Along with many wonderful non famous people I have trained many celebrities, and members of the Royal Family. My own athletic past consists of long distance running, long distance cycling, cross country skiing, down hill skiing, rollerblading, hiking, sand running, track work, and weight training. I have authored two fitness columns in local papers, and have been writing this blog since January 2010.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Embracing Diversity

This world is filled with diversity and unique individuals, yet many of us think that we should all think the same, act the same, and believe in the same things.

This is impossible, but also would make for a very boring and mundane existence. If we were all the same in how we looked, thought, and felt, life would be like white bread....bland and unhealthy!

When we see someone who dresses differently, we tend to judge them, or laugh at them, but rarely do we appreciate their ability to express their own uniqueness in how they dress.

Just the other day I saw a three year old boy with his mother waiting in line at a grocery store. He had a miss matched outfit on with different colors and patterns that seemed to not go together. On his feet he had a pair of shiny penny loafers that would normally be put on if he were a little more dressed up. His mother announced to me that he chose to dress himself that morning, and this was the outfit he wanted to wear to express himself.

He was adorable, but I couldn't help but think that it was because he was three. If a grown man decided to wear an outfit like that to express himself, he would be judged and looked at as weird and strange. We accept children expressing themselves, but if you are an adult, you better fall in line with what society expects, or you will be looked at strangely, not adoringly like a child would.

We judge people by their religious beliefs too. Anyone who is religious belongs to a certain religious group that think "they" are the ones that have the "true" religion. They are the ones with the "real" answers to what this world is all about.

There are approximately 270 large religious groups in the world, and out of those there are about 34,000 separate Christian groups. Each one thinks they are the ones with all the answers and truths. Many of these groups work feverishly to convince others that their way is the right way, yet why not respect that others believe differently, and that's okay, not a threat.

Most people believe what they believe because they were born into a family that raised them to believe that. We need to also raise our children to respect the beliefs of others that have been raised to believe something else. As long as the beliefs are not of hate, bigotry, and violence, respect should be taught of others religious teachings.

Choosing to live a different lifestyle today is more accepted then a few decades ago. It used to be that everyone went to school, got married, bought a house, had kids, yada, yada, yada. Now it is not as weird if someone chooses not to marry or have children. We have changed a bit for the better where this is concerned, and have learned to accept the different lifestyle choices that many choose to live.

So think about it the next time you judge someone because they look different, think different, or believe different. They are just adding more color and diversity to this amazing world. We would never just want one thing on a menu, why do we want everyone to be the same?

Embrace the diversity and difference in people. It is only threatening when hate, violence, and bigotry are involved. When it is just about expressing themselves in a different way.....think of it as a more colorful and interesting world, and enjoy it!

Till Tomorrow,

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