About Me

I have been a teacher of fitness and health for thirty years. In 1989 I was certified for personal training with the National Acadamy of Sports Medicine. I had a gym in Santa Barbara for eight years. Co-owned and created a spinning bike company which manufactured bikes for five years. Also I have worked with nutrition companies for twenty years. Along with many wonderful non famous people I have trained many celebrities, and members of the Royal Family. My own athletic past consists of long distance running, long distance cycling, cross country skiing, down hill skiing, rollerblading, hiking, sand running, track work, and weight training. I have authored two fitness columns in local papers, and have been writing this blog since January 2010.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You Can Meditate Anytime and Anywhere

Meditation is usually thought of in terms of sitting quietly in a place that is serene or at least void of noise. While that is a good place and time to meditate, you can also practice meditation during many other circumstances.

The Dalai Lama says that, "You can meditate while driving or walking, while on a bus or train, and even while taking a shower."

Remember the goal of meditation is to have the mind-body connection, a state of awareness, to empty the mind of chatter, and to reach a goal of inner peace and calmness. Meditation reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and aids your immune system. (See past blog on meditation)

When you are practicing any type of meditation, being in the moment and focusing on the present, is how you can have a successful meditation.

You can do meditation while walking, riding a bike, or taking a shower. By focusing on that particular moment that you are in, and the detail of your present environment you can achieve that connection.

Your mind will not be able to chatter away at you if you are focused on the birds that are singing, or the flowers that are blooming as you walk by. Be in thought about your surroundings when you practice active meditation.

I am much better at active meditation than I am at sitting still, quietly meditating. Although I practice that type of meditation too, it is more of a challenge for me at times. I continue to work on it, and many times I am successful.

Hiking is one of my favorite times to do active meditation. I focus on the terrain, the trees, pathways, animals, and any of the nature that is along my walk. It keeps me out of the mind chatter that can distract me from everything that is in my vision.

Have you ever driven somewhere as a passenger and had no idea how you got there? You were in mind chatter and not focusing on the now when that happens. If you would have focused on the present moment, seeing the detail of your journey, not judging or thinking about anything, just being aware of what you are seeing, then you are in active meditation.

You can not think of stressful or worrying thoughts when you are in this type of practice. It is a great way to DE-Stress and take a vacation from worry. It can be done anywhere, anytime.

So the next time you take a walk, a hike, a run, or even a shower, practice being in the now, focus on what is around you without judgement or thought, and you will have yet another tool for finding peace in your life!

Till Tomorrow,

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